Thursday, November 29, 2012


Thursday, November 29
-present 303 logo concepts
-present African Sisters Produce and Luchia Produce logo concepts
-present Museum Project progress
a. exhibition image selection
b. visual language board
c. elevation view of intro wall
-we have a new job for 303--art department note card/envelope

Tuesday, December 4-presentation to Courtney
-semi-formal presentation of portfolio projects, in 11x17 PDF format (loaded on the server, each student with a SINGLE PDF file, to run through 5 minutes each) this presentation will include progress on the museum project
-refined logos to present also in PDF format
a. 303
b. Afican Sisters
c. Luchia

after the presentation, I will want to see the following:
-cover, and at least 2 spreads from the museum catalog, roughs for; tickets, poster, brochure, website homepage
-any progress on other projects for review
-"2-Produce" clients identity system, extensions; signage, packaging etc.

YOU WILL STAY IN THE LAB UNTIL 8:50-go and come back will GD 3 presents

Thursday, December 6
-final 303 logos
-final African Sisters logo, packaging, signage boards due
-Museum Project
a. Intro wall elevation rendering
b. Catalog layout
c. Tickets, brochure, poster, advertisement

Tuesday -- optional, well not so optional final meeting time to review work before final presentation

a. final PDF presentation of at least 6 projects

Over the break, no break for you guys!
-continue to refine, and complete the current projects
-outline what the balance of the portfolio projects you would like to do (3-4) in the 6 weeks we will have to continue to build our projects, so on the first day of class you will be prepared to present creative briefs, roughs ideas on those projects, see next item
-prep for Portfolio/Advanced GD by selecting your "designer as entrepreneur" project; app, product, book, wrapping paper, clothing line, totally up to you   --- decide which identity system you want to use as the foundation for your ENVIRONMENTAL hospitality signage project, either for the hotel, or a restaurant, shop (only working on the implementation to signage, not on creating something all new).

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