Tuesday, March 20, 2012


AIGA will again mount a campaign to demonstrate the power of design in the public arena by
encouraging designers to contribute to a coordinated get-out-the-vote campaign for national
elections in Fall 2012. This builds on the 2004 and 2008 campaigns that placed more than
100,000 AIGA posters in public places in communities across the nation as well as provides
a resource for any web user to download a pdf version to print and post or share virally. The
objective is to demonstrate the value of design to citizens, public officials and businesses by
providing a clear call to action for an activity that is important to everyone.

The primary conduit for the 2012 campaign is an open online gallery of members’ designs—
nonpartisan calls to action bearing a national AIGA campaign identity— that will be posted on
the website and available for downloading, printing and sharing. Any AIGA member will be
entitled to post a design in the open gallery. This will become the largest gallery of available
designs in support of this critical civic function.

For those members who prefer to submit a video or motion graphics solution, the online gallery
will offer guidelines for this type of submission as well.

All submitted and selected poster and video designs will be made part of AIGA’s permanent
archives, as well as being offered to the archives of the International Foundation on Election
Systems in Washington, D.C. Printed posters will be given to the Library of Congress for its
poster collection.

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