Wednesday, October 5, 2011

St. John’s Bible Art Exhibition

The San Diego School of Christian Studies and First United Methodist Church of San Diego present 25 art print reproductions from the Saint John's Bible on display in the Trotter Chapel at First Church through October 30. The Saint John’s Bible is the first commissioned, hand-written, illuminated Bible in over 500 years. It is described as a Bible for the 21st century, America's Book of Kells, a work of art as well as one of theology. The exhibition will be open Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sundays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on weekdays by appointment.

First Church is featuring selected illuminations and their Scripture as part of Sunday worship in October. The San Diego School of Christian Studies is offering biblical studies, history and art classes in October and Novem- ber. See the complete schedule and list of events for First Church and San Diego School of Christian Studies at
First Church is located west of Texas Street in Mission Valley, 2111 Camino del Rio South (619) 297.4366.

The Saint John's Bible is a work of art and a work of theology. A team of artists coordinated by Donald Jackson in Wales and a team of scholars in Central Minnesota have brought together the ancient techniques of calligraphy and illumination with an ecumenical Christian approach to the Bible rooted in Benedictine spirituality. The result is a living document and a monumental achievement.

Back in the 1990s, Donald Jackson observed the monks of Saint John's Abbey processing with their Book of the Gospels for Sunday Mass, and he recognized the importance of "their book." To create a Bible that would capture the beauty and tradition of centuries of liturgy and carry it into the future—that is the vision that united a calligrapher in Wales with a group of Benedictine monks in Minnesota.

Explore this area of the web site for more on the history, vision, guiding principles and techniques that make The Saint John's Bible an epic work of art.

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